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区域销售经理(广州地区) [ 投诉职位 ]






专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假


  • 工作地点:广州市
  • 要求行业:船舶与海洋工程、游艇、航运海运类
  • 年龄要求:18~60岁
  • 要求学历:高中
  • 招聘人数:1人
  • 工作经验:5年以上
  • 专业要求:不限


岗位职责: 职责:responsibility 1.开发,建立及管理船用电缆客户 Developing, establishing and managing customers 2.根据计划在地区内成功销售为公司创造利润的产品.通过个人访问的方式联系客户,有效的计划和完成每日销售拜访,跟踪项目情况,获取相关信息,直至取得订单。 Successfully selling profitable products according to the sales plan. Visiting customers all the times and efficiently plan and accomplish daily customs visiting, getting related project info and following up until reach orders 3. 创造和维持良好的客户关系。 Establishing and maintaining good customer relationship. 要求:requirement 1. 造船行业背景,丰富的电气、电缆或相关的销售经验 Marine business background, experienced sales of electrical or cable or related products 2. 有丰富的客户资源和客户关系为优 Abundant customer resources, good customer relationship is preferred 3. 良好的语言表达能力,沟通能力和商务谈判的能力 Good communication skills, strong expressing ability and business negotiation ability 4. 认真负责,吃苦敬业,有开拓精神。 Hardworking, responsible and developing personality 5. 独立工作能力,能够妥善处理各类问题和突发事件。 Ability of working independently, able to solve all kinds of problems and emergencies. 6. 当地人员,在家办公,需定期回公司汇报销售情况和参加销售会议。 Local person, SOHO, need to back to office regularly for sales meeting and reporting. 7.遵纪守法 Obeying laws and rules


赫科玛电缆(上海)有限公司系芬兰“Helkama Bica”在中国投资开设的家专业设计、生产、制造船用电缆的全资子公司。Helkama成立于1905年,专业从事船用电缆、通信电缆和数据控制电缆的设计、生产、制造已有40多年,目前已是芬兰知名的电缆制造公司之一。我们专业生产无卤电缆(这种电缆不会散发有毒气体或浓烟,从而能够显著提高船舶的防火安全性),同时,在保证质量的前提下,我们运用新的技术,限度地降低了电缆的重量和尺寸,从而使安装更加方便。我们的无卤电缆系列包括滞燃型 (IEC 60332-3) 和阻燃型 (IEC 60331-21) 两种。Helkama的船用电缆已经得到了所有主要船级社的认可。我们注重服务,仓储能力强、交货期短,总能对客户的要求做出迅速的反应,确保按时交货和“客户满意”。 Helkama Bica (Shanghai) Co., Ltd is the first wholly-owned Finnish subsidiary company in China of Helkama Bica in Finland, which is specializing in designing, producing and manufacturing marine cables. Helkama was established in 1905, which has been specialized in designing, producing and manufacturing marine cables, telecom cables, and control cables for more than 40 years and it has been one of the most famous marine cable manufacturers in Finland. We are specializing in manufacturing halogen-free cables, which remarkably improve the fire safety of the ships by not emitting toxic burning fumes or thick smoke. We adopt the newest technology to reduce the weight and size of the cable to the greatest degree for convenient installation while guaranteeing the quality of our products. The halogen free range of cables includes both flame-retardant (IEC 60332-3) and fire-resistant (IEC 60331-21) cables. Helkama marine cables are approved by all major classification societies. We emphasize on service, strong ability of storage, short-time delivery, making quick response to the customer’s requirements and ensuring on-time delivery and customer satisfaction 更多信息,请登陆: www.helkamabica.fi www.helkamabica.cn


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